Showing posts with label rapidshare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rapidshare. Show all posts

Apr 16, 2009

What Is A browser?

A browser is a program that enables you to view the Web on the Internet. If you need to view a site like the one you're reading now then you are using a browser. You may not even know which browser you're using! Well! It will normally be that little blue "e" icon you click on to search for things. This particular browser is called "Internet Explorer". It is the most common browser used, and there are many peo

ple who are still using Internet Explorer, thinking there is no other! But there is! And better ones!

Browsers are like vehicles. You want to travel fast, with lots of cool features, security and in style! You will find below (including links) all the browsers currently on the market, but I will talk only about the top three!

I have used almost every browser available, but have settled on 6 that include the top 3. Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer. Because no matter how good your vehicle is, another one will have some features, styles, add-ons, etc, that are better!-- I could have written thousands of words here to describe all the differences among browsers, as well as the pros an

d cons, but it would be pointless beca

use browser versions and updates are so regular, with newer features, tools and gimmicks added all the time. My advice is: Take them for a spin and see how they handle during your usual Internet activities! Observe the differences in speed and the tools you regularly use, and If you like, keep it! if not, you can either un-install it or keep it for a rainy day just in case you have problems with your existing browser!

Google new web browser. More Information, tips and tools click Here

You can use as many browsers simultaneously as

you like without any conflict. If you decide to use other browsers, I would not un-install Internet Explorer from your PC! It is an integral part of your computer and it's best to

keep it!

How To Make Your Browser Faster! Turn off images within the browser settings! If your using it for script based searches, turn off flash, Java and images! Turn off

sound! Close toolbars when not In use! Clear your Internet cache/files regularly. Or--- Instead of turning off each individual features from your favorite browser, try selecting another browser which can be used purely for script based searches and have switch off/close these settings. This will enable faster researching, and simply switch to your ex

isting browser when you need to use or see specific functions and things!. Depending where I'm going (browsing-surfing) will depend on the vehicle (browser) that will be the best for that particular journey!

What Is The Best Browser For a Mac: Camino, Firefox, Flock, OmniWeb and Opera all perform well on Mac Machines, again, its all about user preference. I would say try them all and see which you prefer! The best excuse is, they a

re all free..


Here's my 'quick' review - The Top 3 - Firefo

x Vs Internet Explorer Vs Opera.

3rd place Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer 8 was a major improvement..It has a new navigation bar and is a much better design. it has the tabbed browsing, the addition of the Zoom function at the bottom of each page to instantly zoom in and out of the current page is very useful. The "find next" tool is still weak. Yet it still has an impressive range of plug-ins. I.E 8 is a great improvement for security and new features compared to it's predisessor I.E.7, and a very good browser which should never be underestimated.

DOWNLOAD Internet Explorer 8 Beta HERE: This version is public preview release intended for developer testing and community feedback.

Supports: Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) - vista compatible.


Opera 9.64

Opera Logo
Opera Logo

2nd place: Opera 9.64

Opera is a highly respected, quality Web browser from Norway that offers many unique features including great magnification tool, thousands of cool widgets, text to speech, 3rd party extensions. You can do everything from home PC to mobile, Surf the full Web on your smartphone or PDA. It's very cool. The progress bar on the address bar lets you see pages loaded from the site. Overall, it's a very good looking browser, performs very well, and is a must have to you're arsenal of Browsers.

Supports: All Windows OS including windows Vista.. Solaris Sparc.. Solaris Intel... QNX... OS/2.. MacOS.. Linux Sparc.. Linux Power PC... Linux i38..6 FreeBSD i386 ...BeOS



Mozilla FireFox

FireFox Logo
FireFox Logo

Winner in 1st Place Firefox

Firefox has a tabbed interface: pop-up blocker/built-in multiple search tools: and built-in RSS reader, it handles nice and is always stable. The spellcheck for text boxes uses the familiar dotted colored lines under words . although the others has this feature. If you need an Extension for something, the Firefox extension capabilities are powerful, elegant and easy to use. It's also offers many theme's. I have been using Firefox since day one and compared to the other's, it is in a class by itself although Opera does come extremely close...

Firefox, as well as all other browsers, can be downloaded, installed and run in conjunction with any existing browsers you have.

Note: Firefox does not currently support ActiveX.

Supports all Windows 98 to XP & Vista: Mac OS X and several varieties of Linux and Red Hat Linux 8.0.

DOWNLOAD Firefox 3 HERE: This is a "lastest" version of Firefox 3 and still updating.



Browser Download Centre

Quick Links To All Download Browsers

Amaya: AOL Explorer: Arachne: Avant: Camino: Crazy: Dillo: ELinks: Epiphany: Firefox 2 & FF3: Flock: Galeon: (The new Google Chrome) : iCab pro $25: Internet Explorer 7 & IE8: K-Meleon: Konqueror: Lightning: Links: Lynx: Maxthon: Mosaic: Netscape:Nexus: Omniweb: Opera: Phoenix: Safari: SeaMonkey: Shiira: Sunbird: NEW Sleipnir - Thunderbird.

keep coming back for all the latest browsers available!

Opening .exe file in VB

Shell "C:\try1\project1.exe", vbNormalFocus

Opening file in VB

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim RetVal
RetVal = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\System32\calc.exe", 1)
End Sub

--> run dos by clicking on start menu and then click on run and type cmd and press enter

--> now type net user and press enter

--> you will get list of all the account on that pc

--> now choose one of them

--> suppose u choose admin account

--> then type net user admin

--> you will get all information about admin password

--> now just type net user admin *

--> and new password will appear

--> just enter the new password and then confirm it

You can chat with your friends with CMD messenger.........

But both of you must be on same network...............

Follow this 3 simple steps

1) Download this file and extract in your folder using Winrar

Password :-

2) Go to Start ---> Run ----> Type " services.msc " (without inverted comma's) ----> Search for Messenger service and start it...

3) Run the .exe file downloaded and type your IP address and his message and press Enter

By this you can chat wuth your friends with your own Messenger.... Enjoy chatting
How to Bypass BIOS Passwords

BIOS passwords can be add extra layer of security for desktop and laptop computers, and are used to either prevent a user from changing the BIOS settings or to prevent the PC from booting without a password. BIOS passwords can also be a liability if a user forgot their passwords, or if a malicious user changes the password. Sending the unit back to the manufacturer to have the BIOS reset can be expensive and is usually not covered in an a typical warranty. However, there are a few known backdoors and other tricks of the trade that can be used to bypass or reset the BIOS password on most systems.
Backdoor Passwords

Many BIOS manufacturers have provided backdoor passwords that can be used to access the BIOS setup in the event you have lost your password. These passwords are case sensitive, so you may wish to try a variety of combinations.

WARNING: Some BIOS configurations will lock you out of the system completely if you type in an incorrect password more than 3 times. Read your manufacturers documentation for the BIOS setting before you begin typing in passwords.
Award BIOS backdoor passwords:
aLLY Condo PINT 01322222
ALLY d8on pint 589589
aPAf djonet SER 589721
_award HLT SKY_FOX 595595
AWARD_SW J64 SYXZ 598598
AWARD?SW J256 syxz
AWARD SW J262 shift + syxz
AMI BIOS Backdoor Passwords:
Phoenix BIOS Backdoor Passwords:
Misc. Common Passwords
ALFAROME BIOSTAR biostar biosstar
CMOS cmos LKWPETER lkwpeter
setup SETUP Syxz Wodj
Other BIOS Passwords by Manufacturer
Manufacturer Password

VOBIS & IBM merlin
Dell Dell
Biostar Biostar
Compaq Compaq
Enox xo11nE
Epox central
Freetech Posterie
IWill iwill
Jetway spooml
Packard Bell bell9
Siemens SKY_FOX
Toshiba Toshiba
Toshiba BIOS

Most Toshiba laptops and some desktop systems will bypass the BIOS password if the left shift key is held down during boot

Press both mouse buttons repeatedly during the boot
Using the Motherboard "Clear CMOS" Jumper or Dipswitch settings

Many motherboards feature a set of jumpers or dipswitches that will clear the CMOS and wipe all of the custom settings including BIOS passwords. The locations of these jumpers / dipswitches will vary depending on the motherboard manufacturer and ideally you should always refer to the motherboard or computer manufacturers documentation. If the documentation is unavailable, the jumpers/dipswitches can sometimes be found along the edge of the motherboard, next to the CMOS battery, or near the processor. Some manufacturers may label the jumper / dipswitch CLEAR - CLEAR CMOS - CLR - CLRPWD - PASSWD - PASSWORD - PWD. On laptop computers, the dipswitches are usually found under the keyboard or within a compartment at the bottom of the laptop.

Please remember to unplug your PC and use a grounding strip before reaching into your PC and touching the motherboard. Once you locate and rest the jumper switches, turn the computer on and check if the password has been cleared. If it has, turn the computer off and return the jumpers or dipswitches to its original position.
Removing the CMOS Battery

The CMOS settings on most systems are buffered by a small battery that is attached to the motherboard. (It looks like a small watch battery). If you unplug the PC and remove the battery for 10-15 minutes, the CMOS may reset itself and the password should be blank. (Along with any other machine specific settings, so be sure you are familiar with manually reconfiguring the BIOS settings before you do this.) Some manufacturers backup the power to the CMOS chipset by using a capacitor, so if your first attempt fails, leave the battery out (with the system unplugged) for at least 24 hours. Some batteries are actually soldered onto the motherboard making this task more difficult. Unsoldering the battery incorrectly may damage your motherboard and other components, so please don't attempt this if you are inexperienced. Another option may be to remove the CMOS chip from the motherboard for a period of time.

Note: Removing the battery to reset the CMOS will not work for all PC's, and almost all of the newer laptops store their BIOS passwords in a manner which does not require continuous power, so removing the CMOS battery may not work at all. IBM Thinkpad laptops lock the hard drive as well as the BIOS when the supervisor password is set. If you reset the BIOS password, but cannot reset the hard drive password, you may not be able to access the drive and it will remain locked, even if you place it in a new laptop. IBM Thinkpads have special jumper switches on the motherboard, and these should be used to reset the system.

Jul 21, 2008


A new trick for today to hack rapidshare. Its fast and easy, all you need to do is follow this three steps:

1. Visit the page of the file that you want to download.
2. Click on free.
3. Enter the following line of code into your address bar and remove everything else


Hit enter. A popup showing 1 should appear. click ok, the window disappears and you have to enter some letters and click start download.

if u like it then leave a ritesh ketkar